Kids Versus Ice Cream


The Kindergarten Cop: Splat 50 little tykes. [EASY]

Redheaded Stepchild: Splat 50 gingers. [EASY]

Butter Battler: Splat 50 Butterballs. [EASY]

99 Luftballoons: Splat 99 Balloon Girls. [MEDIUM]

Scooter Shooter: Splat 100 Scooter Kids. [MEDIUM]

Baby Hubris: Splat 100 Pageant Babies. [MEDIUM]

Merit Badge: Splat 100 Brownies. [MEDIUM]

Anesthesiologist: Splat 100 Spaz Kids. [MEDIUM]

Handle With Care: Splat 100 Fridge Boxes. [MEDIUM]

The Dairy King: Splat Baby Sweet Tooth. [HARD]

RPRPGG: Improve The Recipe, Tech, Armor, And Turret. [HARD]

NRA Membership: Purchase All The Cannons. [HARD]

Pimp Your Ride: Buy Every Upgrade For Your Truck. [HARD]

Bad Humor: Survive 1 Minute In Survival Mode. [MEDIUM]

Recipe For Disaster: Survive 3 Minutes In Survival Mode. [HARD]

Custard’s Last Stand: Survive 5 Minutes In Survival Mode. [Impossible]

Part-Time Employee: Splatter a Career Total of 100 Kids. [Easy]

Full-Time Employee: Splatter a Career Total of 500 Kids. [Medium]

Over-Time Employee: Splatter a Career Total of 1000 Kids. [Hard]

Most Valuable Sprayer: Pop 50 Bonus Balloons. [Medium]

Baptism by Ice: Beat 5 Waves On Impossible Difficulty. [Hard]

The Cream of the Crop: Beat All 16 Waves On Impossible Mode. [Impossible]

Pefect Attendance: Play Survival Mode 10 Times. [Medium]

The Sky Is Falling: Purchase The Doom Cannon Satellite Uplink And Activate it 100 Times.  [Medium]

Ice-Oholics Anonymous: Play For A Total Of One Hour. [Hard]

Scoop Ninja: Survive For Two Straight Minutes On Survival Mode. [Hard]

Treat Master: Score 100,000 Points. [Impossible]

Blizzard Of The Century: Land 1000 Career Splats On Kids Who Are Already Splatted.  [Hard]

Score Settler: Score A Career Total of 10,000 Points. [Medium]

Dessert Tycoon: Score A Career Total of 100,000 Points. [Hard]

Flavor Flave: Score A Career Total of 500,000 Points. [Impossible]

Sweet Tooth Goliath: Defeat Baby Sweet Tooth On Impossible Difficulty Without Getting Hurt By Him.  [Impossible]

Upgrade Shop:

Neapolitan Cream Cannon Add On 1#

Neapolitan Cream Cannon Add On 2#

Banana Splitter

Mint Chip Freeze Turret

Cinnamon Paint Job

Coffee Toffee Doom Cannon Uplink

Patriot Popsicle Missile System

Horseshoe Magnet

High-Pressure CO2 Delivery System

Liquid Nitrogen Coolant

Yellow Cake Cone Mortar

Sticky Caramel Tank

Partially Repair Truck

Fully Repair Truck

Emergency Repair Kit


Little Tykes



Balloon Girls


Pageant Babies

Fridge Boxes

Scooter Kids

Spaz Kids

Baby Sweet Tooth


Wave 1: Little Tykes [10]

Wave 2: Little Tykes [20]

Wave 3: Little Tykes, Gingers [25]

Wave 4: Little Tykes, Gingers, Butterballs [30]

Wave 5: Gingers, Butterballs [30]

Wave 6: Little Tykes, Gingers, Butterballs, Balloon Girls [35]

Wave 7: Little Tykes, Gingers, Butterballs, Balloon Girls, Fridge Boxes [35]

Wave 8: Little Tykes, Gingers, Butterballs, Balloon Girls, Fridge Boxes, Scooter Kids [40]

Wave 9: Scooter Kids, Balloon Girls [40]

Wave 10: Little Tykes, Gingers, Butterballs, Scooter Kids, Pageant Babies, Balloon Girls [45]

Wave 11: Little Tykes, Gingers, Butterballs, Balloon Girls, Scooter Kids, Brownies, Pageant Babies, Fridge Boxes [45]

Wave 12: Balloon Girls, Brownies, Pageant Babies [50]

Wave 13: Little Tykes, Gingers, Butterballs, Balloon Girls, Brownies, Pageant Babies, Spaz Kids, Fridge Boxes, Scooter Kids [60]

Wave 14: Spaz Kids [70]

Wave 15: Fridge Boxes [100]

Wave 16: Fridge Boxes, Little Tykes, Butterballs, Gingers, Balloon Girls, Brownies, Pageant Babies, Scooter Kids, Spaz Kids, Baby Sweet Tooth [N/A]

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